26 W. Dry Creek Circle Suite 180 Littleton, CO 80120 303-794-7761

I offer individual therapy for Anxiety Disorders and OCD to tweens, teens, and adults in Littleton, CO. After an initial 60-minute session, followup visits are 45 minutes, and are usually scheduled once per week to start, with session frequency decreasing as clients are able to do more and more of the work on their own. Most of my clients are able to complete a course of treatment in 10-30 sessions, although it can take longer when the problem is especially severe and has been around for awhile. In these cases, I am usually also able to meet with clients more than once/week, for more intensive outpatient therapy. Ultimately, the goal is for my clients to eventually feel confident that they can continue to manage their OCD or Anxiety Disorder without regular therapy sessions. I provide both in-person and Telehealth sessions for clients in CO and Telehealth sessions for clients in the following states as a PsyPact provider: AL, AZ, AR, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MI, MN, MO, MP, MS, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY.
When I see kids and adolescents, I want to meet with the parents if at all possible, in addition to working individually with the child. Parents are often at a loss as to what to do to help their child, and I want to help parents to be the best support people possible for their kids. Parent involvement in therapy varies a lot from one family to the next. Some kids are so independent with their therapy homework and skills practice that the parents don't need to be as involved in each session, whereas other kids prefer to have their parents in the therapy room with them most of the time. I strive to be flexible as a therapist in that I want to provide the format for therapy that works best for each individual child or teen, and also meet the needs of the parents for education and support.
Consultation for Clinicians​​
One of the consultation services that I provide involves evaluating clients who are "stuck" in their treatment, and not making progress. If the treatment plan seems appropriate, but the client is not following the treatment plan, then the client may have "readiness" issues. In other words, the client may not be ready to follow the treatment plan due to treatment barriers. I will usually see the client after consulting with the clinician (with the client's consent), for 1-3 sessions, and then provide both the client and the clinician with recommendations for addressing the treatment barriers. The client would then return to the referring clinician to work on those treatment barriers. If the client and the clinician decide to have me provide the treatment of the barriers, then I would conduct Therapy Readiness Treatment (see below).
Therapy Readiness Treatment (TRT)
TRT involves stopping the initial treatment plan, and treating the barriers to following the treatment plan instead. These barriers are called Treatment-Interfering Behaviors (TIBs), and can include behaviors such as not doing therapy homework, regularly missing appointments, arguing about the treatment plan after it was agreed to, not being open and honest, or talking about issues not on the treatment plan. TRT then focuses on treating the TIBs, while putting the original therapy on hold. Once the TIBs are treated, then the client can return to the referring therapist to work on the presenting problem, without the previous barriers to that work. TRT was developed by C. Alec Pollard, Ph.D. at the Center for OCD and Anxiety-Related Disorders (COARD) program in St. Louis, MO.
Family Well-Being Consultation (FWBC)
FWBC is an evidenced-based approach to helping family members of people who need help but are avoiding getting the help they need, developed by C. Alec Pollard and colleagues at the COARD program in St. Louis, MO. Treatment avoidance causes significant distress in loved ones, and that frustration and worry can at times lead to unhelpful interactions. FWBC is just for the family members, as the person who has the mental health disorder is not ready to seek help. FWBC helps family members focus on taking care of themselves and stop trying to get their loved one to do something they aren't ready to do. Family members are taught how to identify and change unhelpful behavior patterns, and work toward accepting the limits of their ability to get their loved one to seek help. FWBC is appropriate for parents, significant others, children of adults, and anyone closely involved with a person who is avoiding recovery.
Initial Intake Evaluation Session (60 minutes): $270
Follow-up Therapy Session (45 minutes): $190
Consultation Services (45 minutes): $190
Although I don't accept insurance as payment, I can provide a Superbill that may allow you to be reimbursed from your insurance company if you have out-of-network benefits.